Wednesday, December 31, 2014


"A book that makes you examine your Christian walk. This story is told through the lives of everyday people which makes it very relatable. The author takes a look at the "little" things that we allow into our hearts and lives that eventually grow to overpower our thinking, attitudes, viewpoints, choices, etc. and eventually lead us away from our Lord Jesus. This book forced me to think about my daily choices and brings home the fact that there is a spiritual warfare going on for our minds and hearts.

This is a MUST read, especially for those who want to make their lives count. I will be re-reading this book at least once per year!

I received this book as a prize in a Facebook online book club (BRAB) giveaway." - Severine Bryan-Johnson

Monday, December 15, 2014

Stop and Smell the Roses

We have been created to be sensual beings. Not so much as to be led by our senses, but to enlist them in our appreciation for all that God has given us. Our sense of hearing, taste, smell, sight and touch are avenues that are to be taken in order to bask in the splendor of the Creator and His creation. There are myriads of brilliant colors that are pleasing to the eye and many levels of sound all around us. There are countless delicacies to tantalize our pallets and bouquets of fragrances to tickle our olfactory nerves. And, there are varying degrees of textures that will not leave our sense of touch bored and disenchanted.
            God has taken into careful consideration, our “need” for things to appeal to us. We are not left without a witness and a testimony of His greatness. Evidence of His existence is all pervasive in our tangible world and those intangibles that have yet to be discovered.  We are inundated with things to be explored … we will never stop being amazed at what He has done; however, the Bible tells us that there is nothing new under the sun. All that we unearth has been and what was discovered is yet to be seen. God is aware of what we do not know. He is never surprised because He is in every living thing. The atmosphere is alive with Him. Therefore, what we experience (at any given point of our life and living) is God.
            He cannot be missed. We are made up of living matter, so what we see is God. We breathe in the air around us, infused with life forces. In Him we live and move and have our being. We cannot escape the Creator of all living things. In what we would consider the absence of sound, is still sound … it is just outside of our natural selves to experience it; therefore, God can be heard on all levels. Imagine if this is the reason that God wants us to step outside of our “natural” inclinations – so we can enjoy and experience Him in new and amazing ways. There is so much that is missed when we think that God is just what can be experienced sensually.
            It is true that if we were just to experience God on the level of what we can observe, we would never run out of reasons to give Him glory. However, it is not where He desires for us to remain. We are not to approach Him with what can be perceived. He wants to reveal to us those things that cannot be ascertained through our carnal discoveries. Therefore, He speaks to us in the deepest parts of ourselves; that place which cannot be engaged by our five senses. We use what we can sense, naturally, to spark a level of curiosity that beckons us to lift ourselves above. He wants us to come up higher and go deeper.
            So, as we continue to discover and uncover that which can be sensed and manipulated, let us not forget to marvel at His splendor. We have our five senses to help us appreciate the Creator. He has given us these things to spark wonder and awe. Every natural sight and sound is filled with Him. As we think on these things, don’t forget to stop and smell the roses. 

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Someone Died Today

The hustle and bustle of everyday living is going on. In syncopation there are those who are waking from slumber, those who are lying down in rest, and those who are making the most of the daylight they have left. Neither of them are taking note of the other, yet their lives are making up the fabric of NOW. We are all loving and loathing, eating and drinking, crying and laughing, and running and walking in perfect harmony – individually cooperative. And, without our perfect knowledge of the other, we are living and dying.
Someone died, today. While we are going about the business of our day, there are those who are mourning the loss of someone great (or not so great). While we are begrudging our jobs, our hair, our clothes, our spouses, and our lives, someone is taking their last breaths. We find moments to complain about our lot and what we will never have, there is someone who doesn’t have tomorrow to make a change. We lose ourselves in what would have or could have been while that one person is out of time – it will never be.
Someone died, today. They will never hear another ‘I love you’ or ‘Good job’ or ‘I’m so glad you’re here’; nor will they have the opportunity to speak those words. They will never feel the heat of the summer’s sun or the bite of winter’s frost. Do you wonder if they are missing them, now? It makes one wonder if they wish they could wake up early or go to bed late because of work. Are those who once complained about the annoying laugh or the nagging voice or the obnoxious chewing now longing for what once was and will never be, again.
So many of us go about our lives as if we have died. We complain, as if there is no hope for change. We mope around and shed tears over temporal things that will have no meaning, in the end. We look at what is, as if there is no chance for what can be. As long as we are breathing, there is hope for something more – we have opportunities to embrace and look forward to. We can still make plans and execute them. We can still love, laugh, and cry. Our tears are unspoken prayers that can still be answered. We have time. We have opportunity. We have moments that can be enjoyed, no matter the circumstance. We can begin, again.  
Someone was born, today. A shining ray of hope and promise. Joy and exhilaration flood the hearts and minds of those who have anticipated this very moment.  A barrage of heartfelt warm wishes are doled out, freely. Laughter fills the air, as the future is whatever can be imagined. A clean slate has entered our world and our minds are reeling with the thoughts of the future. Plans are written in pencil, leaving room for the ebb and flow of life. Mistakes are welcomed training moments. Failures are expected with the knowledge that a correction can be made. Nothing can dampen the high hopes and exuberant expectations.
Someone was born (again), today. The knowledge that every moment is lived out loud and with our eyes wide open. Nothing is withheld from us, if we are willing to dream (again), hope (again), and believe (again). We can experience the gleeful wonder of a new life beginning the journey of discovery. We can take a fresh look at what had become mundane in our lives. We can appreciate the splendor of color and sound and taste and touch. We can gain comfort in the smile of a loved one. We can appreciate each nuance of ourselves, without the murky judgments of the world surrounding us.
Someone died, today, is true. And, in that same moment, a new life begins. 

Saturday, October 18, 2014

A Tribute to Irving Brooks, Sr.

Not once did my father stop looking for me. You see, I was one of those children who was passed from parents to foster parents. When I was ten months old, my mother couldn’t handle the responsibility of being both a drug addict and a mother. She had to make a choice and motherhood was the expendable one. Don’t feel sad for me, it was done with the lot of us; all eight of us – four boys and four girls. I was the youngest; therefore, I was the last of the Mohicans to get the proverbial boot from the nest. I spent years fantasizing about what it would be like to belong and what my father was thinking about me missing from the brood. Isn’t it interesting that I never thought about my mother? I thought it was. I wondered and wondered about my father. I judged my mother, but never thought that he could have been to blame for my removal from the family. Well, guess what? I was right! Imagine that…after years and years of my made up notions, to come to find out that it was true. You see, I was sitting in the living of my very best friend’s home (that had become my home) and the phone rang. She was, Cherrie that is, sitting doing her daughter’s hair – twists and curls – it was beautiful. She stopped to answer the phone and handed it to me. It was my ‘godmother’ calling to give me some news. I had been googled, or searched out by someone making grandiose claims of me being her baby sister. The room grew quiet … a little too quiet, if you ask me. There I was, in the middle of what should have been one of the best moments of my life and there was no pomp and circumstance – not even from me. I think about that moment and wonder about my emotional freedom. It’s laughable, now. I wrote down the number that was being recited to me, then pressed and released the what-ya-ma-call-it (I never did know it was called). Oh yeah, the receiver button! I dialed the number and waited. Ring…ring…ring, “Hello.” I sit and listen to a stranger recant details of my life; details that I had heard from those I had come to mistrust. It was true! My sister, Pat, told me that she had been given the task, by our father, to do whatever it took to find me. He had been having her search for years. And, as you would guess, I met this man. The man I had fantasized about in my youth. He reached out and took my hands into his and said, “Yep, those are the thumbs.” ‘Those are the thumbs?’ Is that all he had to say? So, I said, “What is that supposed to mean?” After all the years of his looking and looking, he still had some reservations and the thumbs sealed the deal for him. I was the daughter that he had never stopped looking for. 

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Beautiful Butterfly, by Seraya Reilly

Heimlich, a character from the Pixar film, A Bug’s Life exclaims, “Someday, I will be a beautiful butterfly, and then everything will be better!” Throughout the movie, the caterpillar never loses hope of his dream becoming a reality. I, too, knew that one day I’d sprout wings and become my own butterfly. I did not simply believe this because of my looks, but I knew my life would be filled with many high points. However, my immediate reality was far less than my ideal of this beautiful creature; so, I had to dream.
I dreamed of being a successful, independent, and happy woman who had everything I could ever dream of, and more. I dreamed inside of my dreams, hoping that one day they would overflow and spill into my reality. The fantasy was amazing, but it was far from the truth. For twelve years I felt trapped in a gray, poorly lit cocoon with nowhere to go and only one place to hide. At times, I felt as if the walls of my life were closing in on me; and instead of the beautiful butterfly, a moth would emerge (sad looking and feeding off things that were not my own, like joy). Life seemed to be offering me a duller version of myself, presenting me with things and telling me that I would never possess them. A disastrous picture was being painted around me and that created a hunger for the life I deserved; the one I knew I could have.
The first change that began to take place, within my protective covering, was my mindset about school. I pushed myself to get the best grades possible and that meant A’s and B’s. Anything less that my goal was a disappointment and caused me to strive harder. I knew my grades would be used as a measuring rod for my future success; the better the grades, the better my chances of morphing into a bright and brilliantly colored young lady. Yet, there was still something missing in my life. My heart seemed only half full and at the time I did not know what was needed to feel complete.
It wasn’t until I was preparing to enter into high school that I began to get a glimpse of change. When I moved from my father’s house and into my mother’s, the summer of my freshman year, something amazing started to happen within my shell. I experienced the freedom to develop into a greater version of myself and shine, even when things were not ideal. I could dance without shame, laugh heartily without holding back, and sing all throughout the house. It was during this time that I gained a sense of family. We spent hours, daily, with one another. We sat down, at the table, and had dinner together. I felt loved and wanted, which is something I rarely experienced in the past. I was turning in my cocoon.
During the first year, I began diligently going after my past ambitions. I wanted to take dance lessons and I quickly achieved my goal. During my second year, at James River High School, I was enrolled in the Jessica Morgan School of Dance. By year’s end, I was a dancer and performed in my first recital.  A month later, my dream of being a boxer came into fruition. I joined American Karate Center and began to train as a kick boxer. I was a part of another family. I have been nicknamed “Pie” because my sensei could not pronounce my name. I have found something that I love and the plan is for me to spar in my first amateur bout in February of 2014. 

Thursday, August 21, 2014


"I am speechless....... Superbly written and a must read if grieving. I am recommending this to all of my friends." - Blessed by God, Amazon 

"I loved this book. I can't wait until my tablet gets fixed to get another book by Inez Reilly. Her books will have you on the edge of your seat.....not wanting to put the book down until you are finished reading." - Amazon Reader

Saturday, July 12, 2014


"Inez Reilly has written a story in Covenant, which is a mature read and will captivate you from the beginning. We follow the lives of best friends, Micah and Preston, who are both professional men and very successful. While in college they made a pact with one another to abstain from premarital sex, drugs, and anything else that will bring harm to their bodies.

Reilly writes in a style that allows us to see the story develop from various points of views and it makes you feel as if you are in the pages of the book. From the outside looking in, both Micah and Preston seem perfect but they are both indeed flawed and throughout this book we get see the secrets unravel, and where insecurity, jealousy, and envy can take us and the ties that bind us to one another.

Covenant was a quick, enjoyable read and it is my hope that a sequel will be released soon."  -Tiffany Tyler

Saturday, June 21, 2014


"Like A Roaring Lion read like a movie! I loved it! You will not believe what is going on in this book and how the author makes you feel for the characters, right or wrong! It will get your blood boiling as it tackles topics that some people are afraid to talk about. It starts out with a bang, in the very first chapter and it will keep you guessing (and maybe cussing) throughout the whole book. It is a murder mystery. It is a love story. It is a story about how our pasts can creep into our lives and cause us to bend in ways that others may not understand. Get your copy and see for yourself! Gotta read it!" S. Anise!online-store/c1ztk

Sunday, May 4, 2014

A Breath of Fresh Air

The air that surrounds us when hardships are prevalent can become stagnant. The circumstances seek to suffocate us, causing our eyes to bulge and focus on what is in front of us. We gasp for air and search around for solutions that will give us the much needed break, from the cycle. We pray and seek counsel, yet the onslaught of worry assails our senses.

Just when it seems that our lungs are about to burst from the lack of oxygen, the answers become apparent. The sun begins to shine on our once darkened skies and the birds begin to sing in the beauty of spring. Winter has passed and with it, the gloom and doom of the incessant pressure.

The Almighty has infused us with a welcomed breath of fresh air.

Winston Harlon, one of the leading characters in How to Taste it at the End of the Day, understands this all too well. Get your copy and follow his journey, today!

Sunday, April 6, 2014



The thought of walking away sent me into a tailspin. There has to be another way for this scenario to play itself out. My family and close acquaintances continue to be livid about the choices I have made, however, I expect them to respect me and be less loquacious about their displeasure. It is my life and I will have to live or die with my decisions.

I must admit, I would love to have a second spin at the wheel. Perhaps I would have recognized the signs and sought counsel before forging forward. I would have entertained the discussions when my loved ones and friends attempted to broach the subject of my relationship. Instead, I closeted myself within the walls of my fairytale and remained silent. Sure, there were instances when I toyed with the idea that someone would understand. Yet, I was more convinced that I would be judged and ridiculed.

I accused my family of bigotry, when they approached me about my marriage. I could not hear their words for the racial slurs I heard in their voices. My father wanted me to marry one of the deacons in his church, one that understood my background; someone who could assist in raising children that respected the boundaries that exist in society. He thought he had instilled those values in me and I am haunted by the disgust in his eyes, when I chose my husband; a tall, beautiful and intelligent African American.

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Covenant Excerpt

PRESTON WAS LEFT BREATHLESS, as he watched Damaris walk down the aisle. He had thought of this moment, for months, and still could not have imagined a more beautiful sight.

Damaris smiled, as she witnessed the reaction on his face. Tears welled up, as she anticipated being held in his arms. She missed him. The last time she had laid eyes on Preston, was a week ago. It was a mutual agreement to allow themselves the time to commune with God, prior to their union. Now, as she caressed his face with her eyes, she was more in love than ever. She felt as if she was walking on clouds, as she moved closer and closer to the man God had chosen for her.

Preston was corralled by an intense restraint, as he stood in place waiting for his bride. A grin seemed to stretch his face, beyond its limit. He felt like he was beaming with pride. He, silently, thanked God (as he had done, countless times) for leading him to his destiny. Damaris Rhenay was his wife. He knew it, just as he knew his name was Preston Lambert.

Get your copy to read more ... 

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Inez Reilly Books

In a perfect world no one would be subjected to the memories of past hurts, betrayals and secrets. There would be no struggles, distrust, anger, unforgiveness or personal baggage to carry around from one relationship to another. The truth of the matter, our world is less than perfect and the people in it, even more so. All Other Ground is a resource that will help you cope with real life and still have your hope. (REVIEW: )

The devastation left in the wake of an unforeseeable tragedy pulls one down into an abysmal despondency. Teetering on the edge of a precipice, contemplating life’s worth, Winston Harlon doesn’t perceive a way out of the darkness. With help from his family, pastor and a group of globe-trotting seniors, he begins to see a light at the end of the tunnel. Join him on his journey and find out what it means to live through loss and appreciate every moment at the end of the day. (REVIEW: )

“Microwave relationships” are on the rise, in our society. Rash decisions without loyalty or commitment – divorces, broken friendships, family disputes, etc – are the order of the day. Step inside the lives of the Lambert family and witness true dedication that comes with unconditional love. A strong family that is an example in their community, on their jobs and in their church - they stand as an unshakeable unit. Unravel the secret of covenant. (REVIEW: )

Secrets are thought to be useful to protect the weak and those who choose not to withstand the judgmental assertions of those around them. They hide behind closed doors, pulpits and in plain sight. The Wells’ and Young’s are no different than those in their circle, but their lives are wrought with mystery and intrigue. How will these dark revelations surface and will someone be lost in the process of keeping the silence? Or will it bellow, like a roaring lion?  (REVIEW: )

Beholden will have you on the edge of your seat as it takes you on a journey of thrills and surprises slowly revealing why people are vanishing in Galena. Pastor Zeke Montgomery, Chief Gavin Palmer and the police squad are under scrutiny as the people of Galena are looking for answers about the evil that lurks in the shadows. Perhaps the solution to this mystery lies within the souls of them all. (REVIEW: )

Sunday, January 5, 2014

BLOOD DIPPED Introduction

(Coming Soon)

Night is searching for the dawning of day. Tears are hoping for the floodgates to close. The nagging and incessant memories flood through your mind. The thoughts are persistent, never pausing to give a moment’s peace. You want to be rid of the guilt, the shame, the anger and the bitterness. You long to be free from the haunting visions that pester your dreams and make sleep impossible. The little voice, in the back of your mind, refuses to listen to your pleas of peace and quiet. The droning recollection holds you back; much like fear, it is crippling.

Waking up day after day, plodding through week after week and still there is no notable relief, in sight. Perhaps there is a self inflicted torment that ravages your mind. Maybe a betrayal that has left a lasting scar. Are you the recipient of the uncontrolled rage of a family member, spouse, friend, boss or co-worker? Have you been affected by an egregious act of a sociopath, one who refuses or is unable to reign in his/her emotions and passions?

Blood Dipped speaks to the soul that has not found its rest in the forgiving grace of a loving God. It will quell the tumultuous waves of pain and anguish that comes with holding on to a past that is unkind and unforgiving. Jesus Christ, the Son of the Living God, took the time to minister health and healing through His unselfish sacrifice, on the cross. The Bible comforts us, “My peace I give to you.” God’s peace is freeing and it is comforting. It requires no forcible action from the receiver, except to take the focus off of yourself and place it onto Him.

I encourage you, the reader, to open up that area that is holding you hostage. Jesus has come to free you and for you to be free, indeed, through the truth. Accept the mercy and clemency from any crime you may have committed or an offence that crowds your mind. Choose to walk, in the light of day, as you endeavor to go into the crawl space and attic of your past. Jesus is the Light of the world – the Holy Spirit, a candle for your soul – you will not be left alone, in darkness. God is and will continue to be your constant Companion. He promises to never leave, nor forsake you – He will not abandon you, to yourself, as you seek liberation from the ties that bind. Forsake the past, in order to embrace the present and future. Your life has been Blood Dipped and the sacrifice has been accepted.