(Coming Soon)
is searching for the dawning of day. Tears are hoping for the floodgates to
close. The nagging and incessant memories flood through your mind. The thoughts
are persistent, never pausing to give a moment’s peace. You want to be rid of
the guilt, the shame, the anger and the bitterness. You long to be free from
the haunting visions that pester your dreams and make sleep impossible. The
little voice, in the back of your mind, refuses to listen to your pleas of
peace and quiet. The droning recollection holds you back; much like fear, it is
up day after day, plodding through week after week and still there is no
notable relief, in sight. Perhaps there is a self inflicted torment that
ravages your mind. Maybe a betrayal that has left a lasting scar. Are you the
recipient of the uncontrolled rage of a family member, spouse, friend, boss or
co-worker? Have you been affected by an egregious act of a sociopath, one who
refuses or is unable to reign in his/her emotions and passions?
Dipped speaks to the soul that has not found its rest in the forgiving grace of
a loving God. It will quell the tumultuous waves of pain and anguish that comes
with holding on to a past that is unkind and unforgiving. Jesus Christ, the Son
of the Living God, took the time to minister health and healing through His unselfish
sacrifice, on the cross. The Bible comforts us, “My peace I give to you.” God’s
peace is freeing and it is comforting. It requires no forcible action from the
receiver, except to take the focus off of yourself and place it onto Him.
encourage you, the reader, to open up that area that is holding you hostage. Jesus
has come to free you and for you to be free, indeed, through the truth. Accept
the mercy and clemency from any crime you may have committed or an offence that
crowds your mind. Choose to walk, in the light of day, as you endeavor to go
into the crawl space and attic of your past. Jesus is the Light of the world –
the Holy Spirit, a candle for your soul – you will not be left alone, in
darkness. God is and will continue to be your constant Companion. He promises
to never leave, nor forsake you – He will not abandon you, to yourself, as you
seek liberation from the ties that bind. Forsake the past, in order to embrace
the present and future. Your life has been Blood Dipped and the sacrifice has
been accepted.