Saturday, April 20, 2013

Day Two - The Calm Before the Storm?

To be honest, I am having a pretty good day; pain-wise. There is a great deal of swelling and scabbing and phlegm - my mouth is dry (mainly because I am  unable to breathe through my nose due to sinus inflammation), but the pain is more than tolerable. Again, the main issue - dry mouth.

My family taunted me with the smell of fresh baked cookies and other food related dainties, but I am not overly hungry or craving, at this time. Things taste thick and bland, like butter. I am still having trouble with juice simply flowing down my throat - it seems to want to take a detour through my nose. I am attributing that to my insanely swollen and out of place uvula. A low-grade fever is toying with me and confusing me (1200mg of Clindamycin daily). Lucy ran out to the store and got me some children's liquid tylenol which is hard to get down because of swelling and rerouting that happens.  I have been able to talk, not loud, but without too much pain. I am grateful for the oxycodone, except for the incessant itching that has not been alleviated with my strongest allergy medicine. I am itching from crown of my head to the soles of my feet, but no pain.

Funny moment
Grandson: Bubby, is your throat still soreded?
Me: It  isn't sore, but there are still some things that need to be taken care of before it is all better.
Grandson: Well, you still sound weird. Lucy, can you give something to bubby to make her voice all better?
Lucy: Like what, Pudty?
Grandson: Well, you can cook her something.
He believes food will fix everything - LOL

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